Plan's Power Organization for human development with the slogan of development, growth and awareness we work for a more developed, grown, aware, powerful and experienced communal.

40 people participated in a course at Rwandz Cultural Center sponsored by plan’s power



40  people participated in a course organized by Rwandz Cultural Center

* Today, Thursday, March 16, 2023, Rwandz Cultural Center in coordination with (p.p.o) organized a course on business and marketing in Rwandz Cultural and Arts Hall.

40  people from Rwandz and Soran participated in this course and it lasted more than 5 hours.

(Hogar Dilshad) the trainer of the course talked in detail about business, marketing and marketing and explained to the students how we can do business with a low income and increase our income and how to market our goods They demanded that the Ruandz Cultural Center and PPO Organization pay more attention to this field and take the hands of the youth so that they can provide a better life for themselves, especially in terms of work and business.

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